Jade Hand Hold Foo Dog Protective Charm

$ 58.00
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  • Fine Jade Hand Hold Foo Dog Protective Prosperity Charm symbolizing the Gathering of Wealth, the Power to Create Wealth, and Holding Onto Wealth. In this beautiful pendant symbology, the Hand lays on a bed of Coins that have been Carefully Collected, and the Foo Dog Protective Guardian lays in the palm of the Hand, ensuring the Wealth is Protected and the Ability of Gathering More Wealth is ensured. 
  • Finely carved Foo Dog with tones of sea foam green to olive green. 
  • Jade has always had a very special significance in Asia, comparable with that of Gold and Diamonds in the West. Today, this gemstone is regarded as a symbol of the good, the beautiful, and the precious. In folklore, Jade embodies the Confucian virtues of wisdom, justice, compassion, modesty and courage, yet it also symbolizes the female-erotic. Jade is also believed to be a lucky stone, and encourages good health and prosperity. It is rumored that slipping a piece of Jade under one's pillow can enhance dreams. 
  • Measures Approx. L 1 3/4" x W 1"
  • Highly skilled Traditional Artisan hand carving from China.